September 26, 2009

Parents' Role in Building Confidence in Children

Every parent would expect their children succeed in life. Self-confidence is one factor that is required for the development of a child in achieving success. Children who have self-confidence will be more daring to try new things so that they can develop the skills. Also, confident child will not easily give up in doing his duties because he felt sure he had the ability. Children who have self-confidence will also be easier to communicate with others, dared to express his opinion, and not easily influenced by others.

Conversely, children who do not have self-confidence will always be in doubt, do not even dare to try new things, so much harder to develop his abilities. Children who do not have the confidence also are more likely to give up when facing difficulties. In social relationships, children who do not have the confidence, not daring to give his opinion and easily influenced by others.

Because of the importance of confidence in the development of a child, then parents need to help improve self-esteem in children. Many ways that can be done to help improve self-esteem in children, among others:

* Indicates the child that the child loved and cared for so that children feel safe and more confident.
* Provide opportunities for children to choose or make decisions.
* Appreciate what the child wants.
* Encourage and provide support to children to try new things, because it can develop creativity and independence training.
* Giving credit for anything that have done so the child feels more confident.
* Listen to children's story or opinion, so that the child does not feel slighted.
* Inform the child that we feel happy when he doing something good.
* Provide the spirit and encouragement when children feel inadequate.
* Do not scare kids often for things that are not necessary because it can make children feel insecure (fear) and did not dare to try new things.

It takes time and patience to build self-esteem in children. Sometimes small problems can easily distract confidence in children. Therefore, as parents, we should not give up or bored to make efforts for increasing children's confidence.

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